Happy July, it's my birthday month! I apologize for being a little bit MIA lately but time has been just flying by. I know that I have not been putting my normal amount of attention into this blog- or these subscription boxes for the last two months, but I'm Back. And ya'll, this is a good one! I have included all of my favorite things for the month of July, to keep you polished, bronzed and gorgeous! If you don't subscribe, find it HERE.
The lazy days of summer may be here but that doesn't mean that I will go without lashes. This month I have been wearing The Barbe Lash in 3D Mink on repeat. This style is all about elegance, simplicity, and class. They're beautiful but not over the top. These beauties can be worn up to 25x if you take good care of them! Not a pro at lash application? No worries, read my tips and tricks HERE.
Ok, who doesn't need a good face polish this time of the year? I am completely in love with this brand, Earth Habor Naturals because it is made in small batches by women and they're nontoxic & completely natural. I have actually yet to find one of their products that I am not completely in love with! The reason I am so here for this lush little citrine gem is that it is the perfect triple threat: a microdermabrasion exfoliator, a cleanser & a mask that purifies and balances your skin. If you are busy - or just plain lazy, this is the one-step skincare system for you. There is turmeric in here, sea crystals, neem seed oil, the list of killer ingredients goes on and on. Just be aware, the nourishing oils in this scrub have a tendency to creep while buffing your face, what that means is that if you don't keep your mouth tightly closed while polishing your face, you might get a little taste of the sea salt. But hey, it just reminded me of the rim of a margarita glass, so it was a win-win for me. :) See more about this product HERE.
You know what's next, right? I am hitting ya'll with my new favorite clean tanning product. Can you see a pattern here? I like my beauty products like I like my men: NON-TOXIC. I have been using this MIneTan Double Dark in my spraytan machine for a while now and the color is just so deep and rich- not to mention once the guide color is rinsed off it has to be the most natural-looking tan ever! Wait, the best part is....it's coconut scented. I can't think of anything better for the summer months than this luxury tanning product. Not super comfortable applying a self-tanning foam? Read my how-to HERE. And get the perfect mitt to apply HERE.
If you are planning to buff that beautiful face of yours and bronze that body-ody-ody like a pro this month there is one more thing you need to make both tasks a little bit easier. And guess what, I have it for ya. This super cute, kinda retro gold alligator clip. I use this when I am in the pool, while applying my self tanners- or just on days where a simple updo is all I can muster. I love how easy it is to turn a simple french twist into a glam hairstyle in literally 5 seconds.
I am grateful for each and every one of you who subscribe to the SprayLaVie Subscription Service, and I am thankful that you are here. Happy Women's History Month BABES.

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