I must admit, I DID NOT watch the Golden Globes this past week. To be honest, I never get to be in charge of the television remote at home- so I am usually totally in the dark about the award shows because unless it's Peppa Pig or Ryan's Mystery Playdate I haven't seen it.
But I'll tell you what I DID see - I saw all of the celebs posting on their social media as they were getting BEAUTIFIED for the Golden Globes. And they were all using SHEET MASKS.
I know, I talk about them all the time- there is usually one tucked into each SLV Babes Box and that's because I am OBSESSED with them. They are so great for when you don't have the time - or the budget for a full-on spa day. Literally all you have to do is rip open the package, apply the serum soaked cloth over your face and all is well in the world. {Insert glass of Champagne and you are seriously speaking my language.}
Masks of all kinds are having more than just a moment RN. While they may have been around for at least a decade- the surge of beauty bloggers and make-up vloggers are the ones making them uber-popular. And I am here for it! The best part? You can put 'em anywherez! I use treatment masks for under my eyes, we have masks for your lips...and my new favorite: The SLV Babes Chest Mask. What. A .Time. To. Be. Alive. Use them...Use them All!!

I hope you are planning on giving yourself the gift of better, more youthful-looking skin. All you need is a few minutes, a mask- and a big ol glass of wine! :)
Oh Yeah - Be sure to send me a Selfie of you in your favorite sheet mask. {I promise not to #repost it.}
